A White Harvest in a Concrete Field

Published 08/27/2018
Read a challenging report as BTS student, Ryan Swanson, shares what he saw God do during his seminary internship in Adelaide, Australia this summer.
An internship in the kangaroo infested coastal city of Adelaide, Australia was certainly not what I expected last summer, but God was clearly in it. I returned to Southwest Baptist Church of Adelaide pastored by Brenton Honeychurch who I first met there 2 years prior on a BCM missions trip. Pastor Honeychurch graciously shared his pulpit during these weeks, allowing me to preach 4 Sunday morning messages leading up to a short soul-winning seminar he asked me to lead the final week. While the messages on Sunday were leading toward confidence in evangelism and the church was responding very well, hearing about it was not enough. The church was eager to see the gospel work in Adelaide and I had specifically been praying for a family to be saved and added to the church while I was there. The Lord did beyond what we could have asked or thought. I had the privilege of leading an Asian family, the Wongs, to the Lord my second day in Adelaide while going soul-winning with Pastor.
The following Monday, the Wong family invited me over to their house where they had gathered 6 other friends, mostly college students. Mr. Wong sat everyone down in the living room and then told me to give them the message. I had complete liberty with the gospel – everyone was attentive and there were no distractions. Three more accepted Christ that night; seven total from that first week. Although there were many sad rejections to the gospel during those next 2 months, God's hand continued to work through incredible breakthroughs, and not a week went by where we didn’t see souls saved.
By taking God at His word . . . we found that there is ALWAYS a white harvest – even in a concrete field.
Seeing God do so much on their home turf, including having the Wong family in church with us, stirred so many to faith in evangelism, including myself. It has been said that “doing evangelism in Australia is like plowing a concrete field.” By taking God at His word, however, we found that there is ALWAYS a white harvest – even in a concrete field.