
Doctrinal Precision. Revival Vision.

Undergraduate study is a wonderful foundation for life and ministry, but, as ministers of the Word of God, it truly is just the beginning of a life of study. Seminary training at BTS is designed to equip you with the tools you need for ongoing, in-depth study of the Word of God for ministry. Let your seminary education be a time when you study thoroughly and honestly, fall in love with Jesus, obey what He tells you to do, and depend upon the Holy Spirit to bring forth much fruit through you as you minister for Him.

Doctrinal Precision

Truth is important. If you really believe that the Bible is where we get the truth about matters of eternal importance, you won’t be willing to settle for a surface or superficial understanding of the Scripture. You will want to find out unequivocally and unarguably what God says. Seminary is not a time to find data to support your conclusions; it is a time to make conclusions based upon the data itself. Seminary is a time where the issues of life and ministry should be concretely settled in your soul based upon clear, unadulterated, Scriptural conclusions.

Seminary Degrees

Master of Biblical Studies (M.B.S.)

This program provides graduate-level training in Bible and theology for men or women who desire to enhance their ministry effectiveness through further study. Because all requirements may be satisfied with block courses, the M.B.S. degree may be completed on a resident or non-resident basis.

Master of Arts in Bible (M.A.)

This program provides graduate-level training for students possessing an undergraduate degree in Bible/theology who desire to strengthen their Bible knowledge, improve their facility with biblical languages, and solidify their theological foundation in order to be better equipped for future ministry. The M.A. in Bible is a full-semester program for resident students.

Master of Arts in Theological Studies (M.A.)

This program provides graduate-level training for students possessing an undergraduate degree in Bible/theology who desire to strengthen their Bible knowledge, and solidify their theological foundation in order to be better equipped for future ministry. This degree includes only one semester of biblical language study. The M.A. in Theological Studies may be completed on a resident or non-resident basis.

Master of Arts in Bible Translation (M.A.)

This program is a 40 credit hour program that provides graduate-level training in the tools necessary to complete the translation process from unwritten language to printed Bible The M.A. in Bible Translation is a full-semester program for resident students.

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

This program is designed to produce effective Bible expositors with a fervent desire to see God use them in full-time Christian ministry. The academic program is structured to develop a thorough theological understanding of the Word of God, along with competence in studying the Scripture in the original languages, and includes an extended residency phase to hone skills in preaching, teaching, counseling, and administration.

Revival Vision

Seminary is not only a time to make theological conclusions, it is a time to meet with Jesus. If your reading and study do not drive you to your knees, you are missing the point and wasting your time. Keep your study in the balancing context of an intimate relationship with Jesus. Let seminary be a time to bolster your faith in God’s power, not undermine it. Experience the power of God in your life and ministry by faith, making seminary and your ministry beyond an unparalleled time of fruit, answered prayer, and great impact for the cause of Christ.

Join the growing group of BTS graduates serving in...

Pastoral Ministry

"As a pastor, I consistently go back to my seminary training.... Hermeneutical analysis helps me to accurately connect Biblical truth, and the practical application keeps the Bible alive and personal!"

Rick Pardee, Jr.

Fellowship Baptist Church
Taylors, SC

Pioneer Missions

"I was trained to endure the physical rigors of mission work, to rise to meet the social and emotional challenges of ministry in a foreign culture, and to stand strong in the midst of an oppressive spiritual battle."

Aquila Darimani

Ghana, West Africa


"Seminary sharpened my sword and increased my confidence as I prepared to preach the gospel to thousands of young people. I know I am preaching the truth because I saw it and studied it for myself from God's Word."

Bobby Bosler

Minutemen Ministries

Bible Translation

"My training in the Bible Translation program not only provided me with the tools I need to accurately and efficiently translate the Word of God, but also with the practical experience of doing it. This has proved to be invaluable."

Devon Swanson

Pidjin Bible Project