Monroe Parker Lecture Series 2024


April 19, 2024 | 9:00am-2:00pm

Session Topics

Session 1: The Israel Hamas War: Historical, Geopolitical, and Prophetic Context

Session 2: The Worldwide Explosion of Anti-Semitism 

Session 3: Understanding Jewish People & Judaism

Session 4: Approaching Jewish People with the Gospel

Lecture Series Speaker

Sam wilson

Sam Wilson is a veteran missionary, having served since 1995 in Russia, Israel, and Ukraine. He currently serves as the International Board of Jewish Missions' Director of Global Outreach, leading a team of IBJM missionaries who mobilize churches across America to minister to the Jewish people in their communities. 

Lecture Series Speaker

Sam Rotman

Sam Rotman was born into a very religious Eastern European Jewish family. He attended Hebrew School 5 days a week for 8 years. All his friends and relatives were Jewish. While studying music in New York City, he met 3 fellow musicians who shared the Gospel and the New Testament with him. On May 21, 1971 he became a new creation in Christ.

In his lecture he will give an overview of the history of Judaism in order to understand modern-day Jews and to be better equipped in sharing the Gospel of the Messiah Jesus with them. 

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